SiteScapes is proud to announce the arrival of our new product catalog, Volume 21! Catalogs have begun mailing and should be in your mailbox in the next week. Check your mailbox regularly!
Just can't wait? Download a digital copy of the new catalog at
The Lincoln Villages is a new apartment homes development in Oroville, CA. Built in the Sierra Nevada foothills, this community focuses on picturesque views and outdoor experiences. Amongst the multiple outdoor gathering spaces you will find a variety of SiteScapes furniture.
Founded in 1975 with one location on Valparaisos west side, Family Express convenience stores have grown to become a staple throughout the state of Indiana. In 2023 the brand implemented an initiative to renovate the exterior customer spaces at the majority of their 80 locations.
From all of us at SiteScapes, here's wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday Season!!
SiteScapes will be closed Tuesday, December 24th through Monday, January 6th for Christmas Break and New Year's Holiday.
Today, we honor and thank all veterans for their courage, dedication, and sacrifices. The Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Memorial, located in Omaha, NE, was built to honor the 396 Nebraska military personnel who were Killed In Action during the Vietnam War. This commemorative site includes an honor wall bearing the name of each veteran and a fully restored Huey helicopter in a rescue display. SiteScapes is proud to be a part of this memorial...
Once again SiteScapes' products have been recognized by This year Canopy Seating has been selected for the Archello Awards 2024 Longlist in the Outdoor Furniture Category. Check out Archello's website for a complete list of award winners.